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"Masterpiece" - TIMOTHY DRAPER (prominent Silicon Valley venture capitalist and founding partner of Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Draper Associates)

"Absolutely worth the price of admission" - DR. PAUL J. ZAK (neuroscientist and author of 'Trust Factor. The Science of Building High-Performance Companies)

"I highly recommend to anyone wanting to become a better negotiator" - GARY W. NOESNER, (Chief, FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit (retired))

"Fantastic resource to master your Persuasion skills"  -  DR. ZOE CHANCE (lecturer in Influence and Behavioral Science at Yale School of Management)

"One of the most concise books on the topic of negotiations I have ever read" - DR JONAH BERGER (Wharton Professor and best-selling author of 'The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone's Mind', 'Invisible Influence', and 'Contagious')

Negotiation Hacks: Image

Non-Verbal Communication: 


The importance of mastering how to recognize and control non-verbal communication techniques is rarely discussed




The fundamentals of persuasion date back over 2,300 years




Knowing your own negotiating style, how to read other people's styles, and adapt accordingly is critical


Behind the Mask: 


Personal needs impact even the largest commercial corporate deals


The Law of Attraction:


An expert negotiator maximizes their personal level of magnetism in order to drive negotiation success


Game Plan:


Preparation is key; knowing how and what to prepare requires focus and attention

To learn more, a grab a copy!

Negotiation Hacks: Portfolio
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